Experimental investigations regarding the etiology of dengue fever : with a general consideration of the disease [and] A comparative study of tsutsugamushi disease and spotted or tick fever of Montana / by P.M. Ashburn and Charles F. Craig 1906-1907


Experimental investigations regarding the etiology of dengue fever : with a general consideration of the disease [and] A comparative study of tsutsugamushi disease and spotted or tick fever of Montana / by P.M. Ashburn and Charles F. Craig 1906-1907

Two reports. Ashburn and Craig constituted the U.S. Army Board for the Study of Tropical Diseases for the Philippine Islands.



SNAC Resource ID: 6387670

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Ashburn, P. M. (Percy Moreau), 1872-1940

http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w65h8chv (person)

Percy Moreau Ashburn (1872-1940) was born in Batavia, Ohio. He received his M.D. degree from the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia in 1893. He joined the U.S. Army Medical Department in 1898. From 1899 to 1909 he was stationed in the Philippines where he helped organize the Army Board for the study of tropical diseases in the Philippine Islands. Ashburn was General Inspector of the Health Department in Panama from 1914 until 1917, when he was detached as Chief Medical Officer at Fort Ben...

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